Friday, March 08, 2013


Guys! Guys, guys! What should I do now? Every anime that I'm watching right now is half way through! I can't pass a final judgement or talk about the things if I don't know how they finish!!

So right now I'm watching Black Butler, which I've started like 2-3 times. Now, finally, I've managed to get further with it. But before I discuss some things, I really want to see all of it.
Same with FMA.

So I'm just going to finish those and then add a new post.
Also, what the hell!! Did you hear that Fairy Tail is about to end??? Dafuq, just when the topic is getting really thrilling. You can read about it here. Hiro Mashima said though that it is not the end... well... I sure hope so. Dammit. Am I really going to have to start reading the manga?? Unbelievable.