Friday, January 04, 2013

Anime music

*May include spoilers. All media credits go to their owners.*

I love anime music. Most of my playlists these days consist of anime music only. Sure, once in a while I don't mind listening to "normal people music", but in general having to spend time in a group where they listen to dubstep or whatever music is hip these days, is a total nightmare. Of course, if I decide to play my music in that group everyone gets really uncomfortable - "What is this BS?" 
BS?? BS??! It's just regular pop music - merely in Japanese. How can you not like that? Alright... okay... well I guess I wouldn't want to listen to Indian pop music either...
Anyway, whenever I watch an anime, I check out the opening and ending themes during the first episode and if they happen to change half way through, I listen to those too. Mostly I can't be bothered to listen to them all the time though, especially when there are lost of episodes to watch still. Actually, it even irritates me a bit if I am forced to watch the entire opening due to slow loading. But I also have to admit that for some animes, watching the opening and/or ending adds a lot of value.

First of all, if it's a weekly show that I follow, I'm way more likely to listen to the opening. Mainly because I like having a sneak peek at what's still to come and which characters I have already seen. Like Fairy Tail for me. Although this far Fairy Tail has had the best openings for a long anime - all of them were pretty catchy and listening to them kind of gives exciting expectations. My favourite - at least tune wise - is opening number 6, which you can see below. Though I have to admit that number 10 that shows the end of the Tenroujima arc has some pretty epic scenes - like that one scene where Laxus opens his eyes, omg omg!

But in some cases I really think listening to the opening and the ending kind of entwines into the topic and helps you dive into the world shown in the anime and emerge afterwards. I've seen people say that about Clannad, for example, but if I'd have to choose one, it would definitely be Ano Hana. It's a pretty serious anime with a deep topic that really hits home. If you let it. And yet it doesn't really come off as depressive. 
But had I not listened to the ending theme all along, the finale of the anime would've been only half as epic. The sadness and joy were entwined and the song playing as the background gave it so much more depth - especially if you thought about the words. It's as if the tunes were amplifying the thought behind the scenes. I'll add it here too.


Out of the very few openings I've listened to just because it's awesome, this next one is the latest and so far the catchiest. Also, I really like what they've done with the opening - half way through you can see a review of the previous episodes, which is really good especially considering that the first half of Durarara! shows very different characters each episode. Although for some reason I could not find the original opening video in the Blogger posting options, I still think this one gives a nice idea why one would wish to listen to it at the beginning of each episode.


Naturally there are loads of others that I really like and I could even list you my entire playlist here, but that would be kind of out of place, wouldn't it :P
Which openings/endings do you think fit the anime extremely well?

See you next week!