Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring anime 2013 (part 2)

*May include spoilers - if you don't ever watch the first episodes of these shows, then I'm not sure it can be spoiled though....
All media credits go to their owners.*

Okay! I don't have a lot of time today so I'm going to make this brief.
I watched Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan. And you'll probably hear every other anime fan yap on about it, because the beginning was rather memorable. And sad. As you might know, the Titans are back! And they are attacking the wall that people have surrounded themselves with to keep them bloodlusted creatures out. The main character Eren is an anxious boy who wants to go out of the wall and meet the titans out in their natural habitat - obviously when the action comes to him, he gets more than he bargained for. So yeah. Shit hits the fan.
This one will probably receive lots of high rates since it looks to be pretty well made. Did I like it though? I don't even know... I guess. Something about it bothered me, perhaps the overly psyched male lead. I'll definitely check out more before I make up my mind.

I also watched 2 episodes of Mushibugyou which is a pretty serious shounen. Giant bugs keep invading old time Tokyo and the son of a samurai travels there to join the Bug-Elimination-Office on his father's behalf. Yeah. That's about it. They battle bugs. Seems pretty good, not anything special though. The second episode was about one of the members - a female ninja who throws bombs. The third will be about another member - a criminal who looks like a mixture of Kenpachi and Zoro. If you like shounen, you will like this one, I'm sure.

Aha, then there was also the freak-show of the season. Aku no Hana or Flowers of Evil shows us painfully slowly the journey of a young man into "evil". Actually he just steals a pair of gym clothes from a girl in his class whom he has a crush on. Whereas in a romance-comedy anime this would turn out as the start of a beautiful relationship, here things go down a more realistic road and the situation gets really awkward. If you like a good mind fuck, you're in for a treat. A depressive treat, but nonetheless.
I don't. I'll admit that the execution very extraordinary but I just do not watch that type of shows. It's like the part of NGE where Shinji goes mental - just without the epic mechas and a futuristic world.

Just for fun and giggles I checked out Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko or Henneko for short. If you didn't catch that - it's The Pervert Prince and the Stony Cat (stony = never laughs). And. Well. It's a comedy-romance show with a personality swap. So basically if you're into that, go for it. The animation style is really childish and the characters seem like one tsundere after another, but I'm not saying it was bad. There were a few funny moments - if you like boys chasing girls with pornographic pillows attached to their backs. But in general: No. Just No.

The best out of them all was Hataraku Maou-sama or The Devil is a Part-Timer! Which is basically exactly what it says - there is an evil demon lord who is teleported to the real world with a general officer of his and transformed into a human. So, they have no choice but to suck it up and while the Devil Maou works for MgRonalds, his right hand man Alsiel researches a way to bring them back to the magical realm. Things only manage to settle down a little before the Hero Emilia, who followed the demon lord through the portal, discovers him working at the fast-food chain. But all that plot aside - this show is hilarious! At the very least, the first half of the first episode definitely is. Best humor this season, for sure! (I'm saying this without having seen all the new ones though...)
Although the Going-To-America topic may be a rather typical one,  I really thought this one was very well executed and what's most important - lots of fun! I took some pictures for you too.

Author's collection
Rawr mr Demon Lord.
Author's collection
Alsiel in his demon form
Author's collection
The Hero vs the Demon Lord!
Auhtor's collection
A decisive attack!
Author's collection
...aaaand off to the real world we go. Sorry Alsiel, magic doesn't work here.
Author's collection
The resources have been cut down a bit. From a demon castle to one room only.
Author's collection
You cannot escape the hero!
Aaand here's just a treat from episode 3... uuuh!
Author's collection
Helllllo mr hot Demon Lord.

Okay well that's it for today since I have loads of college stuff to finish! But check out this Hataraku Maou-sama, cause it promises to be epic!