*Includes spoilers. All media credits go to their owners.*
I don't know about you guys, but I personally prefer shorter animes. The skill it has to take to fit a whole story into a short amount of time is admirable - and to make it good at the same time - well, not something that anyone could do. But I do admit that there are cases where a long series works way better than a 12 or 24 episode show could. Like in most shounen animes. Imagine Naruto had been a 24 episode anime and that's that. Pretty damn pointless. Sure, the amount of fillers makes me want to bash someone's head into a brick wall sometimes, but none of the epic skills, special jutsus and progression of our favourite characters would have been possible. Also, it's kind of comforting to know that you can tune in to the same characters and story every week for years and years.
But now, when looking for something to watch and wanting it to be good, I have noticed that people tend to split into two groups - those who will look for longer animes and those who will look for shorter animes. Both are right at times. Let's call them Team L and Team S. - Why? Because I can!
Basically what Team L thinks is more or less like this: longer animes have more action; you won't have to find a new one to watch for a longer while; you get to know the characters better; and even if there are fillers, you can always power-watch through them - which is true, if you're watching the anime from scratch, because if there's 30 weeks of fillers then that's not too great... Also true if you're the kind who likes to watch hours and hours of the same topic. While that's fine if you watch it week by week as it gets released - then if you have to watch it from scratch, doesn't it get pretty dull after like a 100 episodes? Even if the topic is really good. Hell, I'm still stuck at Bleach 136 from when I started watching it from 0 (I've seen the ending saga though, so I'm kind of up to date).
Team S thinks that: they want to see a full story; they don't want to commit to it for a long time; they want things to evolve fast. Also true - except for the times when the story evolves too fast.
Now, if this one had been a full scale long series, it could have been so much better. All the characters had pretty unique powers and the class system had potential - they could've shown how specialized exorcists work, how they train. There could've been longer history arcs, the stories could've entwined. But right now, all that there was, was: boy founds out he's a half demon, boy becomes better than all others. The end.
Same with a few others, like Ai no Kusabi -> I know that's not a very nice show to watch, but I did and I had to read about the entire setting to know what was going on in the first place. No explanation, no nothing.
Claymore - not sure whether this one should've been longer or shorter, really. At the moment, all they showed was a random series of events after the epic Theresa had passed... and it ended with the greatest evil being beaten while more evil still lived on in the world. That main story could just have been put into 8 episodes, maybe 12 if we're thinking in standards. Maybe if they had more time they could've worked on the arcs a bit better?
The Legends of Legendary heroes - OMG how promising that was! But in conclusion they just talked about nothing, showed no real relics or magic battles, lamented about the past horrors and in the end showed a crazy surreal part within Ryner. Dudes!!! Why???? This one should definitely have been longer - at least 50 or 70 episodes. Could've been so much better, honestly. There was epic battle magic, after all!
Still, there are a few that should've been shorter as well.

Same with Natsuyuki Rendezvous - damn, you should've made it into a movie instead. Might've worked better.
All in all, I'm so happy there are animes with the exact right length and story explanation time - could not endure all the horrible fillers that float around in the anime world!
Anyways, back to studying for me - see you next week.
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